Saturday, April 7, 2012

What I learned and/or What I Like About LIGHTHOUSE 2911

There’s a lot to say about Lighthouse 2911. They really care about what they do. How do I know? One, they don’t get paid enough to be doing it for the money. All the hours they put into it is worth a lot more than they will ever receive. I can see the care in their eyes when they talk to me. I can hear it in their voices when they talk to me. They want us to succeed – why else would they put this much effort into Lighthouse 2911? I haven’t been part of this program that long yet, but I can see it.
What has Lighthouse 2911 taught me? In the short time I’ve been here it’s taught me I can succeed. This is my second chance to be good and have a good life. When Mr. Beard tells us things I believe him. I know he will help me succeed in life. Mr. Beard tells us we’re winners for showing up. I believe him and I’m going to make it through this because I don’t want to find out if I will get a third chance. I’m happy to be here in Lighthouse 2911, and I thank God for this chance. EM

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