Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What I learned and/or What I Like About LIGHTHOUSE 2911

Lighthouse 2911 has taught me a lot. Every Tuesday and Thursday I go home a different person. My day can be going terrible until I come here. This is a good program for kids that have messed up early in life. I don’t see why some kids skip PALS classes. It’s not even bad. School is a lot worse. There are worse places I could be right now. Like juvenile or some kind of boot camp. I made a mistake and now I’m on probation. I’m just here doing my time so I can get out of here as soon as possible. Lighthouse 2911 is changing my life now. I’m a better kid overall. My parents love the way I am, my grades are coming up and I’m staying away from trouble. This is my first time ever to be in trouble. It’s also going to be my last. FG

Friday, April 13, 2012

‎12 Parenting Rules for Every Mom and Dad

1. Tell your kids you love them every day.
2. Keep your kids ready for school by encouraging them to read regularly during the summer.
3. If they’re old enough to ask, they’re old enough to know.
4. When it comes to the tough stuff, inform your kids before somebody else does.
5. Empower your kids to say no, even to you.
6. Give your kids a voice and let them express their opinions. It builds confidence and self-esteem.
7. Kids learn from what they see, not what they hear. Set the example by being the kind of person you want your kids to be.
8. Unplug from everything and engage with your kids every day. They need to know they are more important than texts, emails, and bosses.
9. Celebrate the individuality of your kids. It’s ok for them to be different from each other and different than you.
10. Don’t spoil kids with things; spoil them with moments.
11. Let your kids develop their own style, not yours.
12. Giving your kids the freedom to do it on their own -even if they make mistakes –

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

What I learned and/or What I Like About LIGHTHOUSE 2911

I like it here because you know that you should stay out of trouble and you can’t get in trouble because they try their best to help us all out and it’s working for me. I have been staying out of trouble for a long time. I hope I can clear my stuff that I did bad because I don’t want to see the things I did bad on my record. I’m sorry for all I did and I hope that this chance helps me a lot and so do the people that do the program and I thank them for helping me out of the trouble and for doing that while I need them. JN

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What I learned and/or What I Like About LIGHTHOUSE 2911

Lighthouse 2911 has been keeping me out of trouble and keeping me away from some of the people I really don’t need to be with. Lighthouse 2911 has taught me a lot of things like staying away from people that are bad influences in my life and to think twice about something before even attempting to try to do it. It’s making me more of a gentleman than I have been in my past years of being on probation. I believe if it wasn’t for Lighthouse 2911, I would be locked up somewhere or in worse trouble than I already am and this is what Lighthouse 2911 taught me.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

What I learned and/or What I Like About LIGHTHOUSE 2911

There’s a lot to say about Lighthouse 2911. They really care about what they do. How do I know? One, they don’t get paid enough to be doing it for the money. All the hours they put into it is worth a lot more than they will ever receive. I can see the care in their eyes when they talk to me. I can hear it in their voices when they talk to me. They want us to succeed – why else would they put this much effort into Lighthouse 2911? I haven’t been part of this program that long yet, but I can see it.
What has Lighthouse 2911 taught me? In the short time I’ve been here it’s taught me I can succeed. This is my second chance to be good and have a good life. When Mr. Beard tells us things I believe him. I know he will help me succeed in life. Mr. Beard tells us we’re winners for showing up. I believe him and I’m going to make it through this because I don’t want to find out if I will get a third chance. I’m happy to be here in Lighthouse 2911, and I thank God for this chance. EM

Thursday, April 5, 2012

What I learned and/or What I Like About LIGHTHOUSE 2911

Lighthouse 2911 has taught me that there are consequences to every action you take that will be also a consequence in your future. Being here at Lighthouse 2911 helps some of us kids stay off the streets, away from drug users and it also helps us better ourselves. I think Lighthouse has a huge impact on kids’ lives. It helps them see that people do care enough to go through all the trouble of trying to help kids that don’t want to listen to anyone. Lighthouse for me is a second chance to change. It is also my last chance. HL

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What I learned and/or What I Like About LIGHTHOUSE 2911

What I enjoy about Lighthouse 2911 is that they help kids and have a program that’s called PALS. It’s either that or Juvey/Jail. How Lighthouse 2911 helped me is that they helped me with my attitude and they inspired me to be a better person and improved my knowledge and behavior. They also helped me with my life and my focus. How? Well they made us watch videos and Mr. Beard talked to us and that’s how. JP

Monday, April 2, 2012

LIGHTHOUSE 2911 – What I learned and/or What I Like About LIGHTHOUSE 2911


What I learned in Lighthouse 2911 classes is to behave. Don’t get in any more trouble. TYC is a bad place because people can get killed in there. When I’m at Lighthouse 2911 I feel safe. I learned a lot of stuff at Lighthouse 2911 like how to do stuff and we have to stay out of trouble, but sometimes I get into trouble. When I do I feel sorry for myself. Lighthouse 2911 helps me realize how I hurt people when I get in trouble and when people go to jail it costs lots of money to keep them there. Lighthouse taught me respect for them and for myself. I don’t want to get into trouble at school or home or anywhere so I don’t go to TYC.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

LIGHTHOUSE 2911 – What I learned and/or What I Like About LIGHTHOUSE 2911

What I like about Lighthouse 2911 is that I get to come here every Tuesday and Thursday and learn something about what is not right to do and what is right. And I get to come and stay out of trouble. It keeps me out of trouble. It also helps me learn to always follow the rules and never do the wrong thing and never follow the wrong crowd or the wrong people. The things I learn from Lighthouse 2911 is to never disrespect older adults, always have your shirt tucked in, and to always show respect to a cop or a judge so they would not take us as a bad group. That is one of the things about Lighthouse 2911. They take their time to set down and talk to us about what not to do and what to do if we ever get stuck in a situation where we get to choose what is bad from right. Those are the real things I learn from Lighthouse 2911. AS