Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Lighthouse 2911 - What is it?

A Short History of LIGHTHOUSE 2911/Programs

We had no idea of what the humble beginning of eight juvenile justice children, a caring and proactive Juvenile Probation Department and two willing women would become. We gave these troubled teens a safe place to talk about their problems and chart a different direction for their lives. We were beginning a powerful and effective vehicle for reaching the precious hurting children of our community and beyond.
One ordinary Monday afternoon, over a decade ago, we began our “group”, eight teens and two women, backed by the County Juvenile Probation Department. We called our group PALS (Positive Attitude & Life Skills). The lives of these first PALS children were so out of control, so full of danger and life-ending pitfalls, that we were concerned that they might not live to experience their seventeenth birthdays. Without intervention these seven young men and one young woman would soon find themselves in prison or worse.
These children experienced more confusion and pain in their short lifetimes than any one human should ever endure. They were not evil or cruel. They were hurting, angry and terribly confused.
Within weeks, these children began to demonstrate positive changes in their lives. They began to trust, share, and support one another. They exchanged their inappropriate life skills for more appropriate ones.
These original eight teens realized that their lives were better because of PALS. They also realized that their peers needed help and that PALS was the place that any child would be welcomed, helped and supported. They began bringing others into the program.
As a result of the PALS life skills classes grades, school attendance, and behavior began to improve in dramatic fashion. This amazing improvement was being seen in the very children who, a few months earlier, could not remain on a public school campus for any length of time without getting into serious trouble.
This program offers multiple components to its participants. It is our desire to offer these components in their entirety in each program location. If any of these services to children and families were to continue, the new non-profit agency must be formed. Work feverishly began. Local volunteers and the juvenile department worked with the founders of this new organization, named “LIGHTHOUSE 2911”.
Effective August 1, 2005, LIGHTHOUSE 2911 became a non-profit agency.

MISSION STATEMENT - As the Mission Statement of LIGHTHOUSE 2911 proclaims, and the dedicated staff and volunteers involved with this powerful Endeavour have proven:

“With service, sacrifice and selflessness, we bring light and hope to our community, families and our children, building a better future for all.”

So this was the beginning of LIGHTHOUSE 2911 and this is our first blog. As with the beginning of LIGHTHOUSE 2911, I am sure beginning a new blog, we will make mistakes, but as I always tell our clients, "Every set-back is a set-up for a come-back, and a learning experience." So with this first blog, you know a little about LIGHTHOUSE 2911. Please continue to come back and find out more.

Thank you,


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