Wednesday, December 10, 2008

LIGHTHOUSE 2911 - How I Became A Lifesaver Surfing The Net‏

Let me tell you a little about LIGHTHOUSE 2911.
Our goal is to provide critically needed services to:
· challenged/disadvantaged families,
· youth offenders,
· youth offender siblings and friends,
· at risk and latch key children
· youth gang, and potential gang members
This will be accomplished by:
· improving participants' life skills,
· promoting family stability,
· reducing youth crime,
· providing a healthy foundation for a successful education, and
· providing a platform for appropriate youth accountability.

Presently, we offer these programs in four locations in the South Texas area with plans to branch out to other locations. But you're wondering how you can be a lifesaver just like I am. At we are allowed to search the internet and each time we search, they give a penny to LIGHTHOUSE 2911. If all my friends and all your friends, and all their friends search the internet just a couple of times a day, we could buy school supplies and snacks for each location and even offer some new after school programs just because we use What if LIGHTHOUSE 2911 earned a penny every time you searched the Internet or shopped online? Well, now we can! is a new search engine that donates half its revenue, about a penny per search, to the charities its users designate. You use it just as you would any search engine, and it's powered by Yahoo!, so you get great results. is a new online shopping mall which donates a percentage of each purchase to your favorite cause. More than 100 great stores including The Gap, Best Buy and Barnes and Nobel have teamed up with GoodSearch and every time you place an order, you’ll be supporting your favorite cause. Just go to and be sure to enter LIGHTHOUSE 2911 as the charity you want to support. And be sure to spread the word! But that's not all. I would love to say Thank You to each one of you and let you know that you are a lifesaver also. Contact me at . Go to and type in LIGHTHOUSE 2911 as your charity of choice.

Thanks so very much!

Paul Beard,

Executive Director, LIGHTHOUSE 2911

PS: Please share this with all your friends.

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