Monday, October 19, 2009

What do they think they were doing?

Today, I heard a news story about a young football player who made a touchdown for his team and pointed to the heavens to thank God. They penalized the young man's team 15 yards for pointing to the heavens and thanking God for his ability. I really think this young man giving God the glory for his ability is something we ought to encourage instead of penalizing the team for his faith and maybe the faith of others on the team. Yes, I hear your concern about separation of church and state, but doesn't this young man have the same rights as other young men who slam the ball down on the ground and do a happy dance or sometimes vulgar dance in the endzone. I never have seen them penalize a team for that. What's fair for one ought to be fair for everyone. Or maybe your faith should be seen more and more instead of hidden. I for one applaud this young man for showing his faith in a public fashion. What a refreshing young man. I would love to meet him and let him know how proud I am that he is not afraid to show his faith. By the way, I heard this story on one of my favorite stations, KLOVE. It happens to be a Christian station. Just another blog that makes you go, "Hum?"
ps: The young man said he would do it again the next time he makes a touchdown. Let's pray he makes a lot of touchdowns.

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