Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Coffee and Blessings

Today in South Texas it's been raining, overcast skies, and temperatures in the low to mid 60s. I hear people like me who are very fond of this weather. It's a welcome relief from the 100+ temperatures with no rain that we've had this past summer. Because it was such a cool rainy day, I invited our Program Director out for a cup of coffee at the coffee shop. During our coffee break, while discussing business, a very tall young man approached us and said, "Mr. Paul, I haven't seen you in such a long time." I introduced him to Randy and asked him what he was doing. He said, "Grabbing some lunch and heading back to work." Then he added, "Mr. Beard are you still doing the program?" I responded, "Yes, sir." And he said, "If you ever need someone to tell kids how important an education is, I'm your man. Everything you taught me, I am using. PALS classes are very important to keep kids on track." He then grabbed his lunch and left and we continued discussing work with Randy. But I had this thought in the back of my mind. This young man had really changed his life and is now offering himself to help others. That's truly what our life skills programs do and in the process, our communities are changed. So on what some would consider a dreary cold day, my heart was glowing from the insight out as we saw some of the fruits of our labor.

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