Friday, October 11, 2013

"Parenting The Teenager"

There comes a time in most parents' lives when they run up against a formidable wall called "The Teenager". Opposed to anything that might be considered rules, many teens go through a period of utter rebellion. Why?

If this were your first time in parenting teenagers, it would be crucial that you are armed with enough information so as to prevent encountering clashes of conflict that is common to occur in this kind of situation. The most essential key to your desire of easily parenting teenagers lies in the communication line that you have with your son/daughter. Thinking how you can achieve this? Listen. Yes, listening is one effective way in order to encourage your teenager to talk about what is inside their heart and mind. Let them feel that you are a good listener and not a meticulous critic that is always out there to pinpoint their flaws and reprimand them on what is wrong and what is right.

Nancy Van Pelt, author of the book ‘Train up a Child', says that normal rebellion will always lead an adolescent to a mature life. This constructive time period, she adds, will assist the teenager in shedding childish ways and developing independence. One should always remember that the teenager remains a novice in coping with his or her own feelings as well as coping with a parent's feelings and reactions. A teenager always has vast mood swings which a parent should learn to adjust to. During the normal phases of rebellion you may expect your teenager to challenge your authority by talking back to you, arguing with you, testing rules and curfews, questioning religion, rejecting long-established family values, changing his or her normal style of wearing clothes and the music he or she listens to. If a parent shows patience while his or her child is finding himself or herself, the parent will be able to work out a relationship with his or her child.